Imputed Migration Data
Annual Bilateral Migration data
Citation and further information
To cite or for further information, please refer to the working paper:
Standaert, Samuel and Rayp, Glenn (2022) "Where Did They Come From, Where Did They Go? Bridging the Gaps in Migration Data" UNU-CRIS working paper 22.04. Bruges.
How to access and use the data
To use this file, first, unzip the document and open it using any database software (excel, R, Stata, ...). If necessary, you can separate the text into different columns using the comma (",") as a separator (e.g., using the text-to-columns function in excel).
The imputed migration data file contains the following information:
- iso_or: ISO code origin country
- origin: Origin Country
- iso_des: ISO code destination country
- destination: Destination Country
- year: Year
- stock: Stock of migrants born in the origin country, living in the destination country
- flow: Net flows of migrants born in the origin country, moving to the destination country
- inflow: Gross inflow of migrants born in the origin country, moving to the destination country
- outflow: Gross outflow of migrants born in the origin country, moving out of the destination country
A small note on those ISO codes, they originate from the correlates of war and differ quite a bit from those used by the UN or World Bank (e.g. France is FRN, rather than FRA).